Sunday, March 4, 2012

Making it All Come Alive

 This project was designed as a tool for teaching the creative process in a workshop that I offer through Centre Resources, LLC  “Finding Your Voice and Being Heard”

It is a combination of original songs and stories written by my son and myself (Coby Carlucci and Tere Kipp). The intention of the project was to showcase various types of music genres and writing style. The entire CD is available for your listening pleasure on the Creative Paths of the Arts blog playlist. Note: The song Dear Jesus was co- written by Tere Kipp and Coby Carlucci.

During the course of the project an array of musicians and studio engineers from up and down the east coast participated in the project. Special thanks to all of those creative individuals who collectively brought this project to light: 

Rick Black - Pittsfield, NH: Hammond Organ
Brenda Brown - Plymouth, NH: Vocals
Coby Carlucci – Salem, MA: Songwriter, Vocals, Guitar, Harmonica
Jode Carlucci – Martha’s Vineyard, MA: Bass Guitar
Lois Kerkawich – Plymouth, NH: Vocals
Peggy Madden - Winsor, VT: Sound Engineer
Dave Pierog – Manchester, NH – Drums, Sound Engineer
Gil Rand – Woodstock, NH: Bass Guitar
Brad Tucker –Martha’s Vineyard, MA: Guitar, Mandolin
Phil Young – Tampa, FL: Lead Guitar
Rex Bunnell of Medicine Bear Drum -Wolfboro, NH: Drumming, Vocals, Storytelling

 Brian Coombes – Pittsfield, NH: Sound Engineer, Producer

Coby Carlucci and Tractor Trailer – New England Band:

Mike Williams – West Palm Beach, FL: Sound Engineer, Producer

 Stacey Lucas – Plymouth, NH: Cover Art